
May 2024

The Annual Spring Picnic was a huge success! With 90 attendees, and wheels of Raclette cheese melted and eaten, it was quite the party for the Sacramento Swiss. We fully enjoyed seeing everyone there. Teh Sacramento Swiss want to extend a huge thank you to all the organizers and volunteers who made it such a delicious success. Pictures from the event are in the Sacramento Swiss memories page, take a look and try not to get hungry for more time with the Sacramento Helvetia Verein!

The next Jass and Kafichränzli will be May 18, 2024. Come over to Ettores, have a pastry and a coffee, play some Jass and speak Swiss with the Sacramento Helvetia Verein. All skill levels are welcome, and learning is always encouraged. Play starts at 11AM.

Our next regular business meeting will be June 5, at 7pm at the Sacramento Turn Verein. We look forward to seeing everyone there and hearing about the next events coming up. See you soon!